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The Analogues

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Hubertus Gleitze
Hubertus Gleitze Jedes Konzert war ein traumhaftes Erlebnis. Es gab und wird zukünftig niemals eine bessere Coverband geben.

Petr C
Hi, I only discovered your band last year, when your winter gigs were all sold out. I hope there's another tour this year! Stellar work in any case.

Paolo Rivolta
Hi!! I'm Paolo from Rome, are a super super group!! when I was young I had a Beatles's tribute band, so i can appreciate the quality and the precision in execution, fantastic!!! QUESTION: When you come in Rome???

John Burns
Why o why have you stopped touring ? I feel so lost without you lads ????????????

Guenter Freinberger
perfect - i heard and see today -the Magical Mystery Tour -- i invade The Band --if they are in Austria or CZ into our world largest Jukebox Museum (8500 sqm) with 900 Jukeboxes and Beatles Jukebox and AbbeyRoad .... and a lot more -- you become a Backstage Tour best from Pindigiland - Austria

Mark Welch
Absolutely brilliant! Will the Analogies be touring in 2025? We'll go anywhere on the planet to see you!

Paolo Orsoni
Discovered you today. I'm looking forward to seeing you in concert

Leonardo Tjia
You guys are scary good. Please come to Indonesia!

Frederica Elysia
Do a concert in Indonesia please. Tickets will be sold like cupcakes.

Ricky Leonardi
Do a concert in Indonesia please, there will be MASSIVE fans here.

Denny Zahuri
This was an incredible BEATLES band that I was hear and see on Youtube, i’m from Indonesia….really want to watch you guys perform live

Luís Brandão
Tenho visto no Youtube as magníficas performances. Tenho imensa pena que nunca tivessem actuado em Portugal, pois eu e a minha esposa estaríamos na 1ª fila. Venham a Portugal p.f. Temos magníficos recintos para vos acolher !!!!!!

Graham Stoker
I only discovered you last year, and I have been binge watching your performances on YouTube. Absolutely phenomenal performances. I couldn't make it to any of your gigs last year, and was hoping that a new tour would be in the offing for 2025, with maybe some dates in the UK. I was therefore really disappointed to read that you were quitting. The Beatles were an enormous part of my childhood, but had split by the time I was old enough to, and could afford to, go to concerts. I did see Paul live some years ago, but never the whole band together. I was really hoping that you could take me back to those days. So (and excuse the pun), please...please me, and reconsider your decision. But, nevertheless, thank you so much for being brilliant.

Eddy Gartry
Forgive me..I’ve just discovered your band, whilst learning I Want You..Have you any gigs lined up please? Eddie Gartry UK

Jos Berg
Ik hoop van ganser harte dat jullie niet permanent gestopt zijn. Tijdens de feestdagen heb ik jullie namelijk pas ontdekt en ben sterk onder de indruk. Als er weer concerten zijn zou ik deze graag willen bijwonen.

Rene van de Geer
Ik zit nog even na te genieten van het allerlaatste concert. Abbey Road ondertussen opstaan. Ook al zei iedereen tegen mij: The Analogues, alweer? Ik had geen show willen missen, zal zo weer heen gaan als jullie besluiten Heintje Davids te imiteren, en dus weer doorgaan. Mannen, hartelijk bedankt voor de grandioze optredens en hopelijk tot ziens.

Hans Jansen
Beste bandleden van de Analogues, wat een optredens op 2 nov (White Album) en 28 dec (Let it Be/Abbey Road). Het laatste optreden heeft zo'n indruk op mij gemaakt dat ik een week lang elke ochtend wakker wordt met "You never give me your money" in mijn hoofd. Hartelijk dank voor al jullie mooie optredens.

Sjaak Van der Linden
Wat heb ik genoten! Mijn eerste concert van de Analogues was in het Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. Extatisch! Daarna heb ik alle albums live (soms meer dan 1 x) bij gewoond. Keer op keer smullen. Analogues, dank jullie wel.

Bill Seward
I only have one word. Incredible!

Tomás Tyner
Wow! I, along with my family experienced your Let it Be / Abbey Road show at the Ziggo Dome. It was absolutely thrilling and very emotional for me as we experienced the music of the Beatles, as only you can perform. Greetings & happiness form Cork

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